viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010

Infatuation (Maroon 5) - Letra y traducción


Baby, I don't wanna spend my life on trial
for something that I did not do
and maybe if you stopped and looked around some time
I wouldn't pass right by you.

Maybe it's because you are so insecure
and maybe your pain don't care
maybe it's the chase that really gets me off
I fall so when it's not just there.

Burn another bridge, break another heart
try again, it will only fall apart.

Infatuation, not seeing the rest of you
is getting the best of me
it's such a shame that you shut me down
would've been nice to be around.
I'm touching your skin
if it's only a fantasy, then why is it killing me?
I guess this must be infatuation.
(I want it...)

Try to put my finger on what burns me up
it always seems to escape me
and when you have decided that you've had enough
just tell me where I need to be.
Now I'm facing something that I've never had
to ever deal with before
she left me with the feeling that she'd had enough
and I'm the one wanting more.


I'm so attracted to you
the feeling's mutual too
I get scared the moment you leave
gets so hot I forget to breathe.
Infatuation, not seeing the rest of you
is getting the best of me
It's such a shame that you shut me down
would've been nice to be around.
I'm touching your skin
if it's only a fantasy, then why is it killing me?
I guess this must be infatuation.


Nena, no quiero pasar la vida a prueba
por algo que no he hecho
y quizá si te pararas y miraras a tu alrededor de vez en cuando
no pasaría desapercibido justo ante ti.

Quizás sea porque eres tan insegura
y tal vez tu dolor no importa
quizá sea la persecución lo que me hace salir
me caigo cuando no está allí.
Quema otro puente, rompe otro corazón
inténtalo de nuevo, solo se derrumbará.

Encaprichamiento, no ver todo de ti
se lleva lo mejor de mí
es una lástima que me rechazaras
habría sido bonito estar junto a ti.
Estoy tocando tu piel
¿si solo es una fantasía por qué me está matando?
supongo que esto es un capricho
(Lo quiero...)

Siempre parece que se me escapa
el hecho de poner el dedo en lo que me hace arder
y cuando has decidido que ya has tenido suficiente
dime donde debo estar yo.
Ahora estoy afrontando algo
con lo que nunca he tenido que lidiar antes:
ella me deja con la sensación de que ha tenido bastante
y yo soy el que quiere más.


Me siento tan atraído por ti
el sentimiento es mutuo
tengo miedo en el momento en que te vaa
hace tanto calor que olvido respirar.


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